Aalborg is somewhere I never imagined I’d ever get to. Most people who travel to Denmark go to Copenhagen and, although one day I’d love to explore there, Allborg has been on my mind’s list of ‘to do’s’ since 2001, when I met one of its residents on one of my travels, but I never thought it would become a reality.
I hemmed and hawed with myself, debating if I should spend the money and take time off work to go visit my Danish friend and finally I decided if I could get the time off work I’d go for it.
I had 5 days (3.5 if you count travel time) to explore this Danish city and that was not enough time …. which means one day I hope my passport takes me back to see what I missed and to explore more of the beauty Denmark has to offer.

Aalborg is the fourth largest city in Denmark and was once known as an important harbor in the Middle Ages and now it’s more-so known for its industrial development.
It was awesome to be hosted by my life long friend and be able to see her city and hear about its history and experience it first hand. She is one of the sweetest souls you’ll ever meet, thoughtful, kind, and adventurous!!

I wasn’t sure what to imagine the city to be like but I knew that since it is linked to the Scandinavian countries I would fall quickly in love with it. I didn’t realize how taken I would be with it’s quaint streets, picturesque wee houses and all the street art it had to offer.

My friend and I hired bikes one day and explored so many nooks and crannies all around the city, stopping to take photos in back alleys, or along streets tucked behind the city’s main areas. It was such a treat to be traveling with my beautiful friend, taking photos, getting creative and spending quality time together and realize yet again that true friendship really does lift the soul.

Of course we took breaks and found cute cafés along the way, partaking in Danish Hygge (this can only be experienced in person but the best way to explain it is the act of making things cozy – lighting candles and placing sweet treats (or savory) into charming dishes and settling in to chat, relax and enjoy the moment, either by yourself or with friends.

By bike we saw the harbor, city center, industrial area at one side of town, the Music house and board walk. We also explored a little by foot and saw some local parks, a photo exhibition in an art museum and a man made pool near a place that resembled Footdee/Fittie in Aberdeen, Scotland!!!

Aalborg was my main stay during the trip but my friend’s parents took us to the coast and I was shocked to see that people drive their cars right onto the sand and park right up close to the sea. I’ve never seen that anywhere I have been before!! I was told that if I look across the sea I’d be seeing Scotland which is nuts to think that only a 4 hour plan ride and you are immersed into a completely different culture, language and way of life.

That’s what I love about traveling you meet people from all over the place, and you can learn history and culture from experiencing new destinations. Travel is my addiction and it’s safe to say one-day, I will be back!!  

Denmark was wonderful, the people I met were so kind and hospitable, and I was even told that my attempts at speaking the language weren’t too terrible (however I was also told that my pronunciation came with a Swedish accent!!!! Hahahha at least my Swedish lessons have paid off!!!)

The more I saw the more I wanted to stay and explore and see and experience …. plus I never got to meet a Viking so it’s mandatory to go back and attempt to do that one day!!